Custom Features
Discountly App customization options
Progress Bar with Milestones:
Fully customizable progress bars to match your store’s design and set milestone rewards based on your goals.
Sale Badge with Discount Offers:
Customizable sale badges that you can tailor with different styles, colors, and messages to suit your store’s branding
Discount Coupon Box:
Cart Page (Normal Shopify Plan): Customizable placement and design for the discount coupon box on the cart page.
Checkout Page (Shopify Plus): Tailor the discount application process to enhance the customer experience at checkout.
Welcome Discount Pop-Up:
Customizable pop-ups with flexible design and messaging options, ensuring they align with your store’s look and feel.
Membership Discounts:
Define and customize various membership tiers and discount rules to fit your business model.
Membership Discounts Displayed Across Pages:
Customize how and where membership discounts are shown on collection, search, and product detail pages, ensuring seamless integration with your store’s design.
Membership Discount Pop-Up:
Fully customizable pop-ups to encourage membership sign-ups, with options to modify text, visuals, and calls to action.